Is there a script to move a website from Modx to Wordpress?

Yes, you’ve read that right. But before you start throwing stones at me, let me explain.
A client of mine wants to move to Wordpress (mainly because of Gutenberg). I don’t mind creating themes for Wordpress, I’ve already done that before.

My issue is that I have to move all the existing content to Wordpress, it’s not a huge website, I could do that manually but frankly I’d like to avoid that…

I know that Wordpress has built in import/export function, but is there anything similar with Modx?
Has anyone done that before?

Maybe this will help:

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In the past, Wayne made this script: It probably still works, but it’s been a few years.

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Hi @elizabeth and thank you for that.
I’ll try to contact Wayne to see if he would be interested in updating the plugin.

Hey carlo_13, I’m in the same boat. I’ve got a client that’s mandating the migration of several MODX sites to WordPress, much to my dismay (and probably theirs eventually). Before I start building a custom tool for this purpose I wanted to check if anybody in the community has does this recently. Any luck with your migration? Anybody else know of an existing solution? Looks like Wayne’s tool was from import, not export, though it may serve as a starting point all the same.

Migrating a Modx website to WordPress is a long task depending on the website and its complexity.

  • Templates are built differently : designing for wordpress is a much longer process
  • Urls are too (You may have to do lots of redirection)
  • Simple things are complicated with Wordpress and often require a plugin
  • Everything requires a plugin… ( I said it already ? )

But if you still want to go through all the pain… In my opinion an easy way to export a website from Modx to wordpress is to recreate an xml file using getresources or pdotools.

Wordpress has an importer tool:

You can always create an xml page with Modx, list all your resources, and then import it into Wordpress.

Maybe try to find a sample rss file from a Wordpress website and try to recreate it with Modx.

But again, think well if it is worth it…
Hope that help

Thanks carlo_13, I’ve already embarked on the process of writing a custom WP plugin and MODX endpoint for this process. Turns out the migration of content is fairly simple, but the migration of images and files is not, so that’s the part that’s likley to be the most frustrating. Not a WP fan at all, but gotta do what I gotta do.