Is it possible to add the same form multiple times on one page in Formalicious, with each instance functioning independently?

The question refers to the possibility of embedding the same form multiple times on a single page using Formalicious, with the expectation that each instance of the form operates independently—meaning the data entered or submitted in one form does not interfere with the others.

I don’t think it’s possible out-of-the-box.

The way to have multiple independent forms on the same page with FormIt, is to use unique values for the &submitVar property.

But the “FormaliciousRenderForm” snippet in Formalicious, creates that property based on the form-ID, so it will have the same value for the same form:

Maybe it’s possible to achieve what you want, if you use different &tplForm chunks for the different calls of “FormaliciousRenderForm” and then hard-code the submitVar in the chunk (and also changed the FormIt property in the placeholder [[!+FormItParameters]] with a custom output modifier or a snippet).

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Thank you very much for your feedback. This has given me further clues.
I probably do some modifying in the RenderForm.php script.

Too bad that this was never considered or built into Formalicious.

If you have a form with multiple steps, you probably also have to change the key for $_SESSION (where the values of the previous steps are stored),

so that the values from one form are not overwritten by the values of the other one.

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