Importx and update issue

I am trying to use importx to populate some new Template Variables.

I switched the system setting for importx to update (from create) BUT instead of just using the id to find records I get an error about needing the alias in the import csv.

CSV sample:
id; tv1; tv2
110; sometext; more text

Importx output:

Running pre-import tests on submitted data…
No errors in pre-import found. Preparing import values…
No errors found while checking the import values: 1 items found. Running import…
PHP notice: Undefined index: class_key
PHP notice: Undefined index: class_key
PHP notice: Undefined index: pagetitle
PHP notice: Undefined index: class_key
PHP notice: Undefined index: class_key
0 of 1 resources were imported successfully
Error: alias: This field is required.

Any help on overcoming this issue?



I believe, ImportX uses the standard resource/update-processor from MODx.
If you can’t provide the alias, then it is probably easier to write your own snippet to import the TV-values.
Something like this might work:

$file_path = $modx->getOption('assets_path') . 'myimportfile.csv';
$output = array();
if (file_exists($file_path)) {
    if (($handle = fopen($file_path, "r")) !== FALSE) { //open file
        $row = 0;
        while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ";")) !== FALSE) {
            if ($row == 0){ //header row
                $header = $data;

            $id = $data[0]; //assumes first column is 'id'
            $resource = $modx->getObject('modResource', $id); //load resource
            if ($resource) {
                for ($idx = 1; $idx < count($header); $idx++) {
                    $tv_value = $data[$idx];
                    $tv_name = $header[$idx];
                    $resource->setTVValue($tv_name, $tv_value);
            } else {
                $output[] = "Couldn't load resource with id " . $id;
        $output[] = ($row - 1) . " rows imported";
        $modx->cacheManager->refresh(); //clear cache
    } else {
        $output[] = "Couldn't open file " . $file_path;

} else {
    $output[] = "Couldn't find file " . $file_path;
return implode('<br>', $output);

Sample for the file myimportfile.csv. (Uses the name of the TVs instead of tv1)

110;sometext;more text