Imported Context Settings Not Showing in MODX 3.0.2

I have a batch of records that I imported into the context_settings table using a desktop SQL editor. Everything works as expected on the frontend. I’m able to use the placeholders with no problem.

The issue I’m having is that the imported settings don’t show up in the grid of context settings. What do I need to do to force the list to refresh and pull the settings into the UI?

I can’t reproduce this. When I add a setting with SQL, it immediately shows in the grid.

What did you use as the value for the “namespace” column? Does it match the filter dropdown value above the grid?

Ok, with that I went back and tried several things. I see that you have to include all of the column headers. Even if they’re empty. (Editedon column can be omitted).

Everything is working as expected now!

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