I want to update modx 2.5.7 to 3

*Errors were encountered during core installation. Please review the installation results below, correct the problems and proceed as directed.
but the below its show just empty red bar .no thing is showing in the bar

Are you upgrading directly from version 2.5.7 to MODX 3.0.5?

Version 2.5.7 is quite old. So maybe try upgrading to the latest version of the 2.x branch (2.8.7) first, before making the step to MODX 3.

Also, if you moved the “core” folder, that a look at this page:


i am also trying 2.8 its is showing a smarty error and a memory limit error

Are these errors also shown during the installation?
Can you share the specific error messages?

Fatal error : Uncaught Error: Call to a member function prepare() on null in D:\xampp7\htdocs\modx\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php:2991 Stack trace: #0 D:\xampp7\htdocs\modx\setup\includes\upgrades\common\3.0.0-content-type-icon.php(33): xPDOIterator->rewind() #1 D:\xampp7\htdocs\modx\setup\includes\upgrades\mysql\3.0.0-pl.php(16): include(‘D:\xampp7\htdoc…’) #2 D:\xampp7\htdocs\modx\setup\includes\modinstallversion.class.php(77): include_once(‘D:\xampp7\htdoc…’) #3 D:\xampp7\htdocs\modx\setup\includes\runner\modinstallrunnerweb.class.php(37): modInstallVersion->install() #4 D:\xampp7\htdocs\modx\setup\includes\runner\modinstallrunner.class.php(40): modInstallRunnerWeb->execute(1) #5 D:\xampp7\htdocs\modx\setup\controllers\install.php(32): modInstallRunner->run(1) #6 D:\xampp7\htdocs\modx\setup\includes\request\modinstallrequest.class.php(80): include(‘D:\xampp7\htdoc…’) #7 D:\xampp7\htdocs\modx\setup\index.php(105): modInstallRequest->handle() #8 {main} thrown in D:\xampp7\htdocs\modx\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php on line 2991

Fatal error : Uncaught Error: Class ‘Smarty’ not found in D:\xampp7\htdocs\modx\setup\includes\parser\modinstallsmarty.class.php:23 Stack trace: #0 D:\xampp7\htdocs\modx\setup\includes\modinstall.class.php(80): require_once() #1 D:\xampp7\htdocs\modx\setup\includes\request\modinstallrequest.class.php(218): modInstall->loadClass(‘parser.modInsta…’, ‘D:/xampp7/htdoc…’) #2 D:\xampp7\htdocs\modx\setup\includes\request\modinstallrequest.class.php(46): modInstallRequest->loadParser() #3 D:\xampp7\htdocs\modx\setup\includes\modinstall.class.php(96): modInstallRequest->__construct(Object(modInstall), Array) #4 D:\xampp7\htdocs\modx\setup\index.php(104): modInstall->getService(‘request’, ‘request.modInst…’) #5 {main} thrown in D:\xampp7\htdocs\modx\setup\includes\parser\modinstallsmarty.class.php on line 23

ca you guide me how to upgrade modx

issue is Smarty exists in model folder inside the core.but its delete during upgradation

How exactly are you trying to do the upgrade?
Do you use the extra UpgradeMODX or do you do a manual upgrade?

What MODX version are you upgrading to? This error suggests that it is version 3.x.

When exactly does this folder get deleted?
Also, is the core folder directly located in root of the installation or did you move it?

i am doing a manual. after your msg I am now upgradation on 2.8.7 . i have replaced index.php. connectors , manager and setup folder and also replace all folder inside core except components and packages folder and hit this URL http://localhost/modx/setup
can you guide me how I can

So your current installation has a folder core/model/smarty. In the ZIP-file for MODX 2.8.7 (modx-2.8.7-pl.zip) there is also a folder core/model/smarty. When does it get deleted?

The problem seems to be, that the folders of the new version are not merged correctly with your current installation?!
Maybe read the section “Uploading the Files” of this page. Or use the extra UpgradeMODX, that downloads the ZIP-file and replaces the folders automatically for you.

i have deleted old smarty folder and copy from modx-2.8.7-pl.zip and past in core/model directory but when I start setup and its auto delete this folder

I tested it and couldn’t reproduce any issues. I install MODX 2.5.7. Did an upgrade to 2.8.7 (locally on Windows). It worked without a problem.

Also, I couldn’t find any code in the setup that would delete the core/model/smarty folder.

So on what step does this occur? Directly when you call yourdomain.com/setup for the first time?

Did you start with a clean backup (of MODX 2.5.7) from your files before you copied the files from version 2.8.7 (or had the core folder already files from MODX 3 merged into it)?