How to make Repositories for Modx with Github?

Hi, i am trying to make a production workflow to keep my code itteration accessible.

I am not a programmer, i have studied specific assembly programming and c a long time ago, do some repository for some project with tortoise in begining 2000’s (3 or 4 time) and that’s it.
I make more and more offen web site and for now i copy/past code in txt file… i can’t make this no more.

I heard about version X for modx and it’s great but i want to understand how to use git … and Modx…
All modx ressources are in database, not in text file so how do you make a versionning of your work ?

Hi @singaii,

Modx allows to set static files for resources, chunks, snippets, plugins and templates. This will help you with file versioning. This is how I am doing.

For git, if you have a way to install git with gitlab, that will be your shot.
Then install tortoiseGit for windows. Please understand well the differences of pull, push commit/commit&push and also read about comments with auto action triggering (XXXX implements #23; YYYY fixes #37).

This Will allow you to automate the operation, version your code and ensure that you have issue tracking, release tracking, SW lifecycles etc.

There are things I the database that you will not be able to set as static, like TVs, but for this, it will be better to simply export the DB, similarly to a lot of other projects out there with other CMSs.

I hope that this is what you were looking for :slight_smile:

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Gitify may also be interesting for you. That’s a command line utility that creates files for things stored in the database (“extract”). You can commit those files to a git repository, and then update your installation (“build”).