How can see my message in "View all submitted forms"

Good day,
I am a bit surprise because my form is not showed in any ressource, but I still receive bad message.
I saw, in Extensions → Formit, in the tab Forms a listing bellow “View all submitted forms”, but nothing is showed here.

Why? Is there an option to store all sent messages

I saw in the doc, the parameter “store” but it is written

If true, will store the data in the cache for retrieval using the FormItRetriever snippet.

but, there the data are in the cache. I am a bit confused about the word cache, because the cache is temprately. Isn’t?

Another question, is it possible to black listed an e-mail?

The form is only saved if you use the FormItSaveForm hook.

Thanks for your fast reply.
It’s not rerally clear. Should I simply add FormItSaveForm as the following

	&emailSubject=`nouveau message`
	&successMessage=`Votre message nous a bien été envoyé.`
	&validationErrorMessage=`Une erreur s'est produite. Vérifiez votre saisie.`


BTW There are also other extras available for spam protection like for example ReCaptchaV2 (for Google Recaptcha) or Akismet.