I am building a big form with Formit and when an error accur, I do not want the user to enter all entries again.
For an inout it work and I did like this
<label for="f_e_name">Nom de l'élève</label>
<span class="error">[[!+fi.error.f_e_name]]</span><br>
<input type="text" id="f_e_name" name="f_e_name" placeholder="Nom de l'élève" value="[[!+fi.f_e_name]]"><br>
I added [[!+fi.f_e_name]]
But how can U do it with a select and inout type ‘radio’
How can I add a ‘cheked’ for a radio
<h2>Renseignements concernant l’élève</h2>
<input type="radio" id="f_e_fille" name="f_e_sex" value="fille" />
<label for="f_e_fille">Fille</label>
<input type="radio" id="f_e_garcon" name="f_e_sex" value="garcon" />
<label for="f_e_garcon">Garçon</label>
<span class="error">[[!+fi.error.f_e_sex]]</span>
How can I ‘selected’ for a select when I get back the sent value
<select name="f_p_instrument" id="f_p_instrument">
<option value="">Choisir</option>
<option value="Alto">Alto</option>
<option value="Basson">Basson</option>
<option value="Batterie">Batterie</option>
<option value="Chant">Chant</option>