Having an emergency: Manager unresponsive and many pages are 404ing

Yesterday we did an overhaul of the database and some image files to fix some potential security issues. This mainly meant downloading the image directory and the database separately and doing batch renames on the images and find/replaces on references of the images in the DB.

We did this on our development site and did not receive these errors. I also manually deleted the cache folder under “core” and logged in under a private window to see if that was the problem. But still getting the same errors. Also the MODX Manager is unresponsive when logging in. I get the menu at the top, but it doesn’t load any content and on the dashboard homepage, the News/Security Feeds are just hung up on loading.

Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

Hey @jeffsydor,

If the only contents of the filesystem you’ve altered are images, then it sounds like there’s maybe a problem with the updated database you’ve imported.

core/cache/log/error.log might have some info useful for troubleshooting as it’ll likely populate a few lines for each page failure.

Your server’s php logs may also be a decent place to start.


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You can turn off the news feeds in the database:


Bad links between local and remote might be due to http vs https URLs (possibly due to the server_protocol System Setting) or by not having this tag (uncached: !) in the head section of all templates.

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Are there any errors in the browser JS console log?

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Re run setup and check config paths.

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@jeffsydor, how did you make out with getting your site resolved? Did any of the suggestions help or did you find another solution?

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