Getting error on custom snippet that runs well in Evo

I m running a custom snippet that pull s data over queries.

This is the snippet

// Created by C H 22/1/13
// version: 0.15
// updated: 22/1/18
// Updated: Changed mysql calls to $modx calls to make sure future updates to Evolution don't harm the program

Class Music {
	var $template 		= array();
	var $db;
	var $fl;
	var $orderstr 		= "created DESC"; // Default value. Change this to change the initial order.
	var $username;
	var $message 		= array();
	var $config 	= array();
	function Music($config="") {
		global $modx;
		require_once "";
		require_once "";
		//include_once "";
		// Load Templates
		// Set class config dont do anything if there is nothing in the config
		if ( $config ) {
			foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
				$this->config[$key] = $value;
				$modx->setPlaceholder($key, $value);
		// Set the default category to prevent
		if ($this->config['defaultCategory']) {
			$this->config['composerCategories'] = $this->config['defaultCategory'];
		// Set config for the class
		$this->config['edit'] = $modx->isMemberOfWebGroup(explode(",",$this->config['canEdit']));
		$this->config['add'] = $modx->isMemberOfWebGroup(explode(",",$this->config['canAdd']));
		$this->config['delete'] = $modx->isMemberOfWebGroup(explode(",",$this->config['canDelete']));
		$this->config['table'] 			= $GLOBALS['table_prefix'] . $this->config['dataset'];
		// Added for ajax Support
		if ($this->db->config['ajax'] == 1 ) {	
		// load jQuery Library if specified
		if ( $this->config['jQuery'] ) {
		// Load custom CSS and JS
		// override action parameter if incoming URL has parameter action
		if ( $_REQUEST['action'] ) {
			$this->config['action'] = $_REQUEST['action'];
		$this->db = new dataDBMusic($this->config);
		$this->fl = new MusicFiles($this->config);
	}	// End of class constructor
	function loadTemplates() {
		// Load Default Templates.
		$this->config['listTpl'] = file_get_contents('assets/snippets/music/templates/list.template.html','r');
		$this->config['listPublisherTpl'] = file_get_contents('assets/snippets/music/templates/listpublisher.template.html','r');
		$this->config['viewTpl'] = file_get_contents('assets/snippets/music/templates/view.template.html','r');
		$this->config['viewPublisherTpl'] = file_get_contents('assets/snippets/music/templates/viewpublisher.template.html','r');
		$this->config['addComposerTpl'] = file_get_contents('assets/snippets/music/templates/addcomposer.template.html','r');
		$this->config['addPublisherTpl'] = file_get_contents('assets/snippets/music/templates/addpublisher.template.html','r');
		$this->config['editTpl'] = file_get_contents('assets/snippets/music/templates/edit.template.html','r');
		$this->config['editPublisherTpl'] = file_get_contents('assets/snippets/music/templates/editpublisher.template.html','r');
		$this->config['fileimageTpl'] = file_get_contents('assets/snippets/music/templates/fileimage.template.html','r');
		$this->config['deleteimageTpl'] = file_get_contents('assets/snippets/music/templates/deleteimage.template.html','r');
	function Run() {
		global $modx;
		// Write a cookie about the listpage for the composer database
		//setcookie("TestCookie", $value, time()+3600, "/~rasmus/", "", 1);
		setcookie("composerListPage", $this->config['listPage'], time()+ (3600*60), "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 0) ;
		// $output = print_r($this->config) . print_r($this->config);
		// Put a div in for a message!
		$output = "<div id='message' style='display:none;'></div>";
		// create the header - Only show if we are not doing any editing or adding
		if ( $this->config['action'] == "add" || $this->config['action'] == "edit" || $this->config['action'] == "view" ) {
		} else {
			if ($this->config['dataset'] != "publisher") {
                // Add Category selection box
                $output .= "<table>";
                    $output .= "<tr>";
                        $output .= "<td>";
                            $output .= "<div style='display:none;'>Category: </div>";
                        $output .= "</td>";
                        $output .= "<td>";
                            $output .= "<div id='categoryheader' style='display:none;' >";

                            $output .= $this->db->buildCategory($_REQUEST['category']);
                            $output .= "</div>";
                        $output .= "</td>";                        
                    $output .= "</tr>";
                    $output .= "<tr>";                        
                        $output .= "<td>";
                            $output .= "<div id='nationalityheader'>Nationality: </div>";
                        $output .= "</td>";
                        $output .= "<td>";
                            $output .= "<div id='nationality'>";

                            $output .= $this->db->buildNationality( $_REQUEST['nationality'],  "GetRecords");
                            $output .= "</div>";
                        $output .= "</td>";
                    $output .= "</tr>";
                    $output .= "<tr>";
                        $output .= "<td>";                        

                            $output .= "<div id='settings'>";
                            $output .= "<input id='configsettings' name='settings' type='hidden' value='[+settings+]' />";
                            $output .= "</div>";
                            $output .= "<div id='searchdata'>Search: ";
                        $output .= "</td>";
                        $output .= "<td>";

                            $output .= "<input id='searchfield' name='searchfield' type='text' value='Search data' onfocus=\"this.value=(this.value=='Search data...')? '' : this.value ;\" />";
                            $output .= "</div>";                        
                        $output .= "</td>";
                    $output .= "</tr>";
                $output .= "</table>";
			$output .= "<div id='filter'>";
			// Create alphabet list to break the list down
			$output .= $this->db->displayBreakdown();
			$output .= "</div>";
			$output .= "<div id='results'></div>";
		// Display the list of quintets and quartets
		if ( $this->config['action'] == "list" && $_REQUEST['filter'] && $this->config['dataset'] != "publisher" ) {
			// List the quartets, quintets
			$modx->setPlaceholder( 'data', $this->db->listRecords() );
			$output .= $this->config['listTpl'];
		} else if ( $this->config['action'] == "list" && $_REQUEST['filter'] && $this->config['dataset'] == "publisher") {
			// List the publishers
			$modx->setPlaceholder( 'data', $this->db->listPublishers() );
			$output .= $this->config['listPublisherTpl'];			
		} else if ( $this->config['action'] == "view" && $_REQUEST['idcomp'] ) {
			// View the quartets
			$output .= $this->config['viewTpl'];
		} else if ( $this->config['action'] == "view" && $_REQUEST['idpub'] ) {
			// View the Publishers
			$output .= $this->config['viewPublisherTpl'];
		} else if ( $this->config['action'] == "edit" && $this->config['edit'] && $_REQUEST['idcomp'] ) {
			// Get the record to edit for quartets and quintets
			// Get the details so we can add a new publisher via the edit screen
			$modx->setPlaceholder('addPublisher', $this->config['addPublisherTpl']);
			// Make sure we build the drop down box for the publishers so a user can change to an existing record
			// Set Button Placeholder to Update
			$modx->setPlaceholder('updateAction', "Update");
			$output .= $this->config['editTpl'];
		} else if ( $this->config['action'] == "edit" && $this->config['edit'] && $_REQUEST['idpub'] ) {
			// Get the Publisher record
			// Set Button Placeholder to Update
			$output .= $this->config['editPublisherTpl'];
		} else if ( $this->config['action'] == "deletefile" && $this->config['edit'] ) {
			// Delete the image file in quartets, quintets
			if ( $this->fl->deleteFile() ) {
				// remove the entry in the database
		} else if ( $this->config['action'] == "Update" && $this->config['edit'] && $this->config['dataset'] != "publisher") {			
			// Update the quintets, quartets record
			// remove the file first due to class restrictions
			if ( $_POST['deletefile'] ) {
				$this->fl->deleteFile() ;
			if ($_FILES['file']['name']) {
				// upload file
				// This should upload the file and update the database with the appropriate folder information.
			// Update record back to database
			// Take me to view the page to see the changes
			$parameters = "&idcomp=".$_POST['idcomp'];
			$url = $modx->makeURL($modx->documentIdentifier, '', $parameters, 'full');
		} else if ( $this->config['action'] == "Update" && $this->config['edit'] && $this->config['dataset'] == "publisher" ) {			
			// Update Publisher record back to database
			// Take me to view the page to see the changes
			$parameters = "&idpub=".$_POST['idpub'];
			$url = $modx->makeURL($modx->documentIdentifier, '', $parameters, 'full');
		} else if ( $_REQUEST['action'] == "deletecomposer" && $this->config['delete'] ) {
			// Delete Composer
			// check the image of the record to ensure there is a file to remove too
			if ( $modx->getPlaceholder('composerimage') ) {
			// If we sent a filter parameter then we should return to the same screen
			if ( $_REQUEST['filter'] ) {
				$parameters = "filter=".$_REQUEST['filter'];
				$url = $modx->makeURL($modx->documentIdentifier, '', $parameters, 'full');
		} else if ( $_REQUEST['action'] == 'deletepublisher' && $this->config['delete']	) {
			// Delete Publisher Record
			// If we sent a filter parameter then we should return to the same screen
			if ( $_REQUEST['filter'] ) {
				$parameters = "filter=".$_REQUEST['filter'];
				$url = $modx->makeURL($modx->documentIdentifier, '', $parameters, 'full');
		} else if ( $this->config['action'] == "add" && $this->config['dataset'] != "publisher" && $this->config['add'] ) {
			// Add a new quartet, quintet
			$modx->setPlaceholder('Nationality', $this->db->buildNationality());
			$modx->setPlaceholder('Country', $this->db->buildNationality());
			$modx->setPlaceholder('Publisher', $this->db->buildPublisher());
			$modx->setPlaceholder('Category', $this->db->buildCategory());
			$modx->setPlaceholder('updateAction', "Save");
			$modx->setPlaceholder('addPublisher', $this->config['addPublisherTpl']);
			$output .= $this->config['addComposerTpl'];
		} else if ( $this->config['action'] == "add" && $this->config['dataset'] == "publisher" && $this->config['add'] ) {
			// Add a New Publisher
			$modx->setPlaceholder('Country', $this->db->buildNationality());
			$output .= $this->config['addPublisherTpl'];
		} else if ( $this->config['action'] == "Save" && $this->config['add'] ) {
			// Save Composer Record
			if ( $_POST ) {				
				$_REQUEST['idcomp'] = $this->db->saveComposer();
				if ($_FILES['file']['name']) {
					// upload file
					// This should upload the file and update the database with the appropriate folder information.
				$output .= "Record Saved!<br />";
		return $output;
}	// end


Observed behavior

It should, as on the EVO page, spit out addresses or names of composeres and publishers. Instead I get a blanc page and in Revo i get this in the error log:
PHP warning: Undefined array key “listPage”
PHP warning: Undefined array key “action”
PHP warning: Undefined array key “action”
PHP warning: Undefined array key “action”
PHP warning: Undefined array key “dataset”

Respectively on line 92, 99,99,99 and 104 of above script.

I have no clue where to begin, anyone?

MODX 3.0.4 PL, running on a transip VPS with Plesk CP. Cant find apache version or NGIX version nor MySQL version, all not shown in info.php.

Could you please put your code within three backtics?

Thanks Bruno, changed it

seems, there are some array keys not defined, which gives warnings in newer php-versions.

Also, there might be used some MODX methods, which don’t work anymore in Revo.

This function doesn’t exist in Revo.

This also doesn’t exist in Revo.
You probably have to use code like this: $modx->resource->get('id');

Try changing this:


to this:

$modx->user->isMember(explode(",", $this->config['canEdit']));