Getting a lot of warnings in error logs related to Static Resources, filesize(): stat failed

Every time a page loads with a static resource referenced on it, this error generates in the error log.

(ERROR @ /long_file_path/public_html/core/model/modx/modstaticresource.class.php : 93) PHP warning: filesize(): stat failed for files/css/{filename}.css

Here's the relevant method from modstaticresource class as well:
class modStaticResource extends modResource implements modResourceInterface {
    /** ... **/
	 * Get the absolute path to the static source file represented by this instance.
	 * @param array $options An array of options.
	 * @return string The absolute path to the static source file.
	public function getSourceFile(array $options = array()) {
	    $filename = (string)parent::getContent($options);
	    // Support placeholders/snippets in the filename by parsing it through the modParser
	    $array = array();
	    if ($this->xpdo->getParser() && $this->xpdo->parser->collectElementTags($filename, $array)) {
	        $this->xpdo->parser->processElementTags('', $filename);
	    // Sanitize to avoid ../ style path traversal
	    $filename = preg_replace(array("/\.*[\/|\\\]/i", "/[\/|\\\]+/i"), array('/', '/'), $filename);
	    // If absolute paths are allowed (disabled by default for security reasons), and a file exists at the provided path, use it
	    $allowAbsolute = (bool)$this->xpdo->getOption('resource_static_allow_absolute', null, false);
	    if ($allowAbsolute && file_exists($filename)) {
	        $this->_sourceFile = $filename;
	        $this->_sourceFileSize = filesize($filename);
	    // If absolute paths are **not** allowed or an absolute file was not found, prefix the resource_static_path setting
	    else {
	        $sourcePath = $this->xpdo->getOption('resource_static_path', $options, '{assets_path}', true);
	        if ($this->xpdo->getParser() && $this->xpdo->parser->collectElementTags($sourcePath, $array)) {
	            $this->xpdo->parser->processElementTags('', $sourcePath);
	        // If an absolute path was provided that matches the required path, strip the absolute portion as it's added again below
	        if (strpos($filename, $sourcePath) === 0) {
	            $filename = substr($filename, strlen($sourcePath));
	        // When selecting a file using the media browser, that will provide a relative url like "assets/static/foo.pdf";
	        // To avoid that from 404ing when the resource_static_path is set to {assets_path}, we need to check
	        // if the provided $filename starts with the _relative_ url, matching against the base path.
	        // This doesn't work for directories outside of the base path (ie a moved core), but that's too complex
	        // to resolve without full media source support on static resources.
	        $relativeSourcePath = strpos($sourcePath, MODX_BASE_PATH) === 0 ? substr($sourcePath, strlen(MODX_BASE_PATH)) : false;
	        // if $filename starts with the $relativeSourcePath, remove the $relativeSourcePath from the start of $filename
	        // to avoid that getting duplicated when adding the $sourcePath below.
	        if ($relativeSourcePath && strpos($filename, $relativeSourcePath) === 0) {
	            $filename = substr($filename, strlen($relativeSourcePath));
	        $this->_sourceFile = $sourcePath . $filename;
	        if (file_exists($this->_sourceFile)) {
                // Line 93
	            $this->_sourceFileSize = filesize($filename);
	    return $this->_sourceFile;
    /** ... **/

All of the files referenced in the error log, files/css/{filename}.css, are all inside the assets/ directory.

Originally, I thought it was only happening with font files, .woff and .woff2, but it is now any file that a static resource is created for.

Each static resource uses a template that is just:


I haven’t used any snippets or plugins to alter the content of the files, and have double checked them for strange characters. I also double checked content-types (referencing the font files). I am able to see the file if I view the static resource, as well as just by going to the asset path for the file.

Since it was just a PHP warning I didn’t think much of it, but I opened the error log today and it was over 5mb, so it was time to deal with it.

Any ideas?

It seems this problem has already been fixed on github.

And it just came out in 2.8.3 :smile: You love to see it!

Thanks for the heads up @halftrainedharry

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