getResources:notempty not showing anything

What is wrong with this code? It’s showing nothing. It used to work fine, and now it doesnt’. Without the ‘notempty’ it is showing children fine.

[[!getResources:notempty=`<div id="sidebar-nieuws" class="sidebar-item">

I believe for something like this you want to set up like:

<div id="sidebar-nieuws" class="sidebar-item">
[[!getResources:default=`No resources found`?

The issue with this is you’re calling the snippet without parameters, then running another snippet (notempty) and then calling another snippet. This is resource-intensive and not ideal. Using default, if getResources returns empty, false or null (which I believe is returned when no data is found) it then shows the default option. In your default call, you could call a chunk or another getResources call with different parameters, but again this may have performance issues.

This works. But it shows ‘No resources found’ when there are nog resources. I could empty this text, but that’s not a solution.

The entire DIV should be hidden when no resources are found.

you can use a tplWrapper - chunk

I found a smooth solution on:

Wrapping a getResources result in other markup (like an &outerTpl property, which doesn’t exist for getResources from version 1.6.0 you can still do it like that or use the &tplWrapper property).

[[getResources? ... &toPlaceholder=`results`]]

BUT: there are still no results shown! The ‘notempty’ seems to be broken. This was my original question.