Getresources filter to match IDs from a TV with multiple IDs. Wild card is delivering multiple results

I have a filter on a TV that has “multi select” for pages so the end result is yielding a list of IDs comma separated. However, I have trials using wildcards with AND/OR statements BUT if I am filtering for just 14, I can get results 14,140,1014,514. Any suggestions?


There are different solutions.

If you want a clean solution, use a custom database table instead of the TV with multiple values.

In the case of the “multi select” TV, you could use FIND_IN_SET in the query

    &where=`FIND_IN_SET([[*id]], REPLACE(Trades, '||', ',')) > 0`

or maybe REGEXP.

If you want to make “&tvFilters” work, you also have to include the separator (between the IDs in the TV value) into the query, to make sure you match the whole ID.

This did the trick! Thank you @halftrainedharry

&where=FIND_IN_SET([[*id]], REPLACE(Trades, '||', ',')) > 0

Do you know if there is a way to do that same call for &totalVar=``?

I don’t understand what you mean by that.

My goal is to use the same query as


&where=FIND_IN_SET([[*id]], REPLACE(Trades, '||', ',')) > 0

to get a total resource count. So if that query pulls 5 IDs then I need the count to show 5

Does the totalVar placeholder not show the correct number of results?

No, it does not work with this code.

&where=FIND_IN_SET([[*id]], REPLACE(Trades, '||', ',')) > 0

3.[[+pagetitle]] ([[+[[+id]]Cnt]])

Try adding the property “setTotal”:
