getResources code works in Revo 2.8.7 but not 3.0.5


Quick summary what this issue is about.

Step to reproduce

How to reproduce the issue, including custom code if needed.
Why would this code work in 287 but not 305













timeline-migx chunk:


…I migrated an older site to both versions…same files and db. No output returned

Observed behavior

How it behaved after following the steps above. Annotated screenshots here are excellent.

Expected behavior

How it should behave after following the steps above.


MODX version tagged when creating the issue, Apache or NGINX with version, MySQL version, browser, etc. Any relevant information.

There shouldn’t be any difference between getResources in MODX 2.x and MODX 3.

Does anything get logged to the MODX error log?
Is it the getResources query that doesn’t work, or the call of getImageList in the template-chunk?

To debug getResources, you could try adding the property &debug=`1` to the snippet call. This then ouputs the SQL query that is used to the MODX error log. Does this SQL query return the desired result, if you execute it in phpMyAdmin (or a similar tool)?

Resolved after reinstalling getResources

Error log stated …couldn’t find the getResources snippet.

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