Gateway plugin – Undefined array key ”cultureKey”

In a multilanguage site I’m using a gateway plugin to switch context depending on URL. The language switching works, but in the error log I get an error message each time I load a page in the default (web) context:

Undefined array key "cultureKey"

All contexts have a cultureKey set.

The URL for the default language is just and the domains for the other languages are and

The gateway plugin looks like this:

if($modx->context->get('key') != "mgr"){
                /* grab the current langauge from the cultureKey request var */
                switch ($_REQUEST['cultureKey']) {
                    case 'en':
                        /* switch the context */
                    case 'de':
                        /* switch the context */
                        /* Set the default context here */
                /* unset GET var to avoid
                 * appending cultureKey=xy to URLs by other components */

PHP 8.2.10
MODX 3.0.4-dev

In the plugin code, make sure the variable $_REQUEST has a key cultureKey before you use it in the switch statement here:

For example with if (isset($_REQUEST['cultureKey'])) {...} or with array_key_exists.


@halftrainedharry solved it! Thank you so much!

It seems the same principle also solves an error (Undefined array key “galAlbum”) thrown by the snippet getURLparameter. If anyone’s looking:


    $output = $_GET[$par];
    if ($output == "") { $output=$defaultalbum; }
    return $output;


if (isset($_REQUEST['galAlbum'])) {
    $output = $_GET[$par];
    if ($output == "") { $output=$defaultalbum; }
    return $output;

It’s better to check the same array you’re trying to access:

$output = isset($_GET[$par]) ? $_GET[$par] : $defaultalbum;
return $output;

You could also use the Null Coalescing Operator (??) instead:

$output = $_GET[$par] ?? $defaultalbum;
return $output;

Thank you @halftrainedharry! Appreciate it!

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