Gallery: Trying to add TinyMCE to enhance description field of gallery-item


I added gallery and TinyMCE. My idea: I set gallery.use_richtext to ‘true’ (read about this here) in order to make description field of gallery-item more writeable, so clients can add all kind of specific details to the images of products they post. (the link above notes that one needs to have TinyMCE Extra installed, but I could not find that one anywhere)

Problem 1: the TinyMCE does work but overlaps with the image. Is there a good way to change that?
Problem 2: for the other resources I wanted to have TinyMCERichTextEditor, it is installed as well but does not seem to work for Gallery. I does show up at the page-editor, but now it is not completely working anymore.

I configured something wrong didnt I? :wink: Does anyone know how I can fix it?

Observed behavior


Problem1: Here you can see how the TinyMCE overlaps with the image.


MODX version: MODX Revolution 2.7.3-pl
Nginx version: Nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)
Browser: Firefox

For the overlapping problem:
I think there are just to many buttons in a row and they force the textfield to be wider than it should be.
You could delete some of the unnecessary buttons in these system settings or move them to a fourth/fifth row.


(Or you could just click the arrow-icon in the upper right corner to make the whole window bigger.)

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For your second problem:
To use ‘TinyMCE Rich Text Editor’ for the resources, chose TinyMCE RTE from the dropdown list in the system setting which_editor.

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Thanks a lot @halftrainedharry!!
Both tips worked out perfectly!

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