Gallery approval process

Hi all!

I run a small competition where people can upload their photo using Formit, and we publish them all on a page. The best photo wins a bottle of bubbly.

At the moment, it’s very manual. I get an email notification with the photo. I download the photo, check it’s not rude, and then manually add it to a page on modx and publish it.

It’s very time consuming, so wondered if there’s a way to pull it directly into a gallery, with the ability for an admin to approve it before it’s live?

Also, I would like this to trigger an email to tell the user that their photo is now live, with a link to the page.

Has anyone done anything like this before?

I think it’s possible, but I can’t connect the dots on my own!

Thanks for any advice!

Using MIGXdb would be an option, where you create a custom database table for the uploaded images. The custom table would have a field for the image path, a “verified” checkbox (and maybe additional fields).

With FormIt you could use a hook like “formit2file” or the the AjaxUpload extra to save the image on the server. Another custom hook snippet would create a new row in the custom table with the image path (when the form is sent).

With MIGXdb it’s also possible to create a CMP in the manager, where you then can manage/publish the uploaded images.

Thanks Harry. This all makes sense in theory to me - thank you.
I think it could be beyond my capability though - would you be interested in a paid commission to create it for me? (Not sure if it’s the right place to ask though!)
