Fred TinyMCE some buttons do nothing

Hi there,
I’m using Fred 1.1.1 in MODX 2.7.3 with Fred TinyMCE 1.0.0 (all have latest Version)

I’m loading TinyMCE in the default configuration:

  "theme": "inlite",
  "inline": true,
  "plugins": "modxlink image imagetools media lists",
  "insert_toolbar": "image media quicktable modxlink",
  "selection_toolbar": "bold italic underline | alignleft aligncenter alignright | bullist numlist | modxlink | h2 h3 h4 blockquote",
  "image_advtab": true,
  "imagetools_toolbar": "alignleft aligncenter alignright | rotateleft rotateright | flipv fliph | editimage imageoptions",
  "auto_focus": false,
  "branding": false,
  "relative_urls": false,
  "image_dimensions": false

So as I mentioned in the subject, while new line with enter, H2 to H4 and Blockquote refuse to change the Code, all others like Bold, Italic, Underline and List formatting are doing their job well.
When watching the code with Chrome DevTools I can see that the <p> element receives an update as it’s flashing pink after a clicking on any Button in the TinyMCE Bar. But the Code remains unchanged at all when clicking the mentioned Buttons H2 to H4 and Blockquote and pressing Enter for a new line. All others are changing the Code as expected.

The Fred Element looks like this:

<div class="container">
   <p data-fred-name="text-rte" data-fred-rte="true" data-fred-rte-config="Standard">Text goes here...</p>

Does someone know why some Buttons work well and some don’t?

Regards, Mike

Does the same thing happen when you add the fred config to the div? I don’t recommend you add the RTE Directly to a <p></p> tag.

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Yes! Thank you, that solved that strange behavior. I put all the fred attributes to the div and voila - it works.

Thanks a lot!

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