I’d like to use Swedish as the language in Fred’s RTE. I managed to translate some phrases by creating core/components/fredrtetinymce/lexicon/sv/default.inc.php from a copy of en/default.inc.php and translating that. However, this only translates a small part of the RTE. How can I translate the rest?
In answer to my own question, here’s how I managed to translate Fred RTE TinyMCE into Swedish:
Set up an RTE config (see https://modxcms.github.io/fred/themer/cmp/rte_configs/)
Download appropriate language pack at https://www.tiny.cloud/get-tiny/language-packages/
Add the following lines to the RTE config created in step 1:
“language”: “sv_SE”,
“language_url”: “assets/themes/my-theme/js/tinymce/sv_SE.js”,