Fred Enabled (fred.default_enabled) not being respected

I have set “fred.default_enabled” to false in the system settings. I would prefer users to have to manually enter editing mode rather than it being active on login. From the docs, I believe that’s what this setting is supposed to allow for.

It doesn’t appear to be respected. Am I missing some additional required step or setting for this?

Some additional context. It appears to be respected for myself logged in as administrator, but it does not seem to be respected for any of my users in a reduced user group with edit rights. This is primarily the group i was hoping to affect this change for

It looks like the value of this setting gets stored in the session ($_SESSION).
So maybe you have to clear the sessions, to see the change for the user.

Hmnn…didn’t work from the modx session clear/log out all users. Would be good if I didn’t have to start rooting around the server for this :slight_smile:

It stores your last state, so if you had Fred enabled, disabled the system setting, then viewed again, Fred would still be enabled. However, if the system setting is set to disabled, you log out/log in, Fred should be disabled at start. When @halftrainedharry said to clear out your session, he basically meant to log out / log in again.

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