Forum limiter and odd behavior

So it seems there is a limiter on posting, I guess for new users.

Typical for most forums where new users turn into spammers, but not great for us in support. We are working on a problem and the poor soul has been limited for 18 hours haha, not ideal.

Its common for people to make a new account and then start posting a lot, while the fix the things they made the account to fix.

Any chance this can be changed?

Also, oddly, the timer for the time a user has been away is off. I happened to go into a post from March and it told me the author hasn’t been online for 8 months lol

It’s been a while since we’ve seen **** — their last post was 8mon ago.

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Its a limit for the users first 24 hours that generally does prevent a lot of spam. I’ve gone ahead and increased it to a number that won’t be hit realistically for their first day.

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Thank you Elizabeth. I understand that it does help, thanks for finding a balance.

Oh hey, seeing as how I’ve got your attention lol, any chance that this post is worthy of a sticky? No worries on your decision ha

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