Formit Redirect and Snippet

i recently had a problem with the package “Formit 4.2.5-pl” on Revolution. After submitting the form I try to execute a redirect and then start a snippet. In the meantime I have reduced the form completely and my snippet is also completely empty. Nevertheless no redirect works after submitting the form. Does anyone have an idea?

&hooks=`email, redirect, db-info` 

<form id="contactForm" class="cmxform" method="post">
<input name="contact_name">
<input name="contact_nachname"> 
<input type="submit" value="Anfrage verschicken"> 

emailtpl Chunk:
Name: [[+contact_name]]

Nachname: [[+contact_nachname]]

db-info Snippet:

Hi @joe-petts,

According to the official formIt documentation, the redirectTo field should only contain the resource ID:

So this is how your formit call concerning redirectTo should look like:



The link at the redirect was not the problem here. It was because a snippet used with Formit must end with “reuturn true;” and not “return;”.

But thanks for the support anyway!

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