Formit csv export Greek characters are unreadable when opens in EXCEL

Hey again,

I have an issue with the formit export. Whenever i open the exported file in excel the greek characters are unreadable. I found a solution but i dont know in which file formit stores the code for the export to csv.

Does anyone know in which file the export happens?

I just have to add the following code:
<?php header('content-type: application/csv;charset=UTF-8'); ?>
in this file to make it work

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I managed to find a file in this path: core/packages/formit-4.2.3-pl/modCategory/6427ddfa00783e14303dfaafad5098e2/1/formit/processors/mgr/forms/export.class.php

which looks what i need. But when i try to print something and exit or even completely remove the file nothing happens. The file is exported as before, this file is not affecting the export.

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Better look at core/components/formit/processors/mgr/forms/export.class.php

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Thanks, this is what i was looking for…

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Now keep in mind an update to formit would break that change, just FYI