Hello everyone,
and sorry for my english.
I have known and used MODX for 15 years when it was called evo, so the answers to my questions won’t change my mind about the quality of Modx.
I used MODX for small and medium site with more customitation and particularity.
Now I have to develop a very large project and I have no experience with modx in this case.
The project is expected to support 2 to 3 millions of users and about 1 or 2 million of resources.
And now my questions.
1) Is Modx the right choice?
Or do you recommend me to develop a personal CMS, despite my esteem for Modx?
If, as I hope, MODX has the potential to handle this project, here are some specific questions
2) What version of Modx, 2.8.x or 3.x?
I use modx 2.8. x with great satisfaction, without any problems despite my intricate customizations.
I have tested modx 3.x only in local machine with WAMPP, but i have so much problem.
Some with core processor, e.g. autoload-remote, some extJs, some extras are not fully compatible, the structure has changed and some of my cutomizations should be rewritten like some snapshots.
Is there a modx 2.8.x end of life date?
We must consider Modx 3.0 is the future or just another version of Modx?
3) Better project structure with modx
In th eproject every users (2/3 mil) has a page that he can manage and customize (position of element, color, fotns,…), let’s call it HomeUser
With these elements, number of users, page, what is the most efficient choice to make with modx?
A general page, url/to/generalHome.html, where I get user getUser() and its customizations?
Or a resource for each user url/to/HomeUser where do I get only the customizations?
In this last case the pages will be millions
Similarly, groups of 5 or 6 users join together to use a common page (1/2 mil) that can be customized.
Which is the best choice?
3) ModxCloud for my very large project is the right choice?
Sorry for these trivial questions
ModxCloud has a hardware upgrdable?
In staging the hardware is only for 100/200 tester and after some milion.
My project will use websocket
Is it possible to create a wbsocket server on ModxCloud?
The group common page will use ajax and websockets heavily. So with the possibility of having at least 1 million users on the server at the same time.
Can ModxCloud handle such stress? What about modx?
Thank you all for your attention, the answers you would like to give me, the considerations you will tell me and above all any experiences you would like to share