Since updating to Modx 3 I’ve noticed that when I upload a file through Modx the filename changes to lowercase. I’ve tested on all Modx 3 installs and the same happens… tried the installs with earlier versions and the filename wasn’t changed. All installs on the same server.
Is this new with Modx 3 or am I missing something simple?
Following because I’d also like to know about this. I tried turning the system setting ‘upload_translit’ to ‘No’ but that didn’t seem to make a difference.
Hey @crewmark
I pretty sure this is by design and is a feature of MODX 3, adopting the functionality offered by other CMSs and the MODX Extra, FileSluggy.
For me, it’s a good thing - but as @josh_curtis points out - it can [or should be able to] be disabled.
I’ve just tested on MODX 3.0.1-pl and setting upload_translit
to ‘No’ in System Settings has the expected effect of leaving the original filename of any subsequent uploads intact.
Yep - ignore me above. I must have not refreshed the Media Browser tab after setting the system setting to ‘no’. It’s working as expected for me now.
I’ve been a long term user of File Sluggy as it is, so I’ll probably disable it and keep using FileSluggy’s layer for my needs.
I also have a modification to FileSluggy to make it play better with plugins that want to fire and work with files post upload BUT work reliably with the new file name. FileSluggy fires an event on a successful name change - I also want to have that event fire if the name INS’T changed so I can chain to that event reliably either way. My PR in the repo makes that optionally possible.
Hey @dejaya & @josh_curtis
Thanks for that… that’s exactly what I was looking for
I’ve code on a couple of sites that expects a certain structure so it’s good to be able to turn this off.
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