Files > Filesystem: Not Displaying Directories or Contents

Hi Lucy: Thank you for the feedback. I will take a look at the folder permissions.

Softaculous definitely can support MODX 3.x and it does so very well on my host.

I normally update my site using SiteDash but depending on the circumstances I sometimes use Softaculous. They did briefly have an issue with 3.0.1 but it was sorted v quickly. I’ve updated several sites from 3.0 to 3.0.1 and from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2. It’s always been reliable and I’ve never seen the issue outlined in this thread.

Hope you find the source of the problem! It does sounds like it might be something to do with your hosting environment [permissions perhaps as @lucy suggested].

If you drop me an email with credentials (manager and server access) and approve an hour of paid support tonight I may still be able to look at this for you before the weekend, @mmcgee.

Hey Mark — skytoaster was taking a look at it, and now all of a sudden the File tree works! And on both sites. I am awaiting a response from Skytoaster support to determine what change they made on their end.

I have no answers. The Files tab is working now on both sites. The host claims that they did not make any changes on their end. Very perplexing. Thank you for jumping in to provide assistance. I will continue to monitor and reach back out if the problem returns.

I am having this same issue again on a 3rd MODx install at Skytoaster. File tree is not showing anything. When I click the refresh icon, the safari web inspector returns an error of “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)”. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? Skytoaster support was able to get one of the other sites to function, but I do not know what they did. Just wondering is this is something I can do in cPanel.

Do you have access to the error log of the server?

Only this error, repeatedly. Probably everytime I tried to access the File tree from within the managaer. This is the 3rd site/MODx install via softaculous that his has occurred on. [Sat Jan 07 19:27:32.698475 2023] [authz_core:error] [pid 3742089:tid 47429588629248] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /home/mydomain/public_html/core/docs/changelog.txt

The autoSSL had a significant delay as well. Not sure if it’s related. Support said the autoSSL can take several hours, which is new. They took a look. Now the tree works, the autoSSL is in place, an all seems OK. This was round about 8 hours of critically needed time lost yesterday evening, and still I have no idea what the cause is so that I can resolve it on my own quickly. I am currently investigating the MODx cloud, which I am sure would be a great solutions, but might be more power than I need. IDK.

The error you shared is actually something good, it means the public file should not be public.

Have you tried to contact Skytoaster and asked what they did to solve this issue? Maybe it can help others in the future as well.

Did you see @markh’s suggestion about sharing credentials so he can investigate the issue. If it’s something MODX related we can fix it.
MODX Cloud is something I would recommend, we have several big and small sites hosted with them.

Hello, did you manage to fix the issue? I face similar problem while i transfer my MODX Revolution 2.8.4-pl (traditional) from one ubuntu box to another. What i realized is that while i press the update Filesystem i get in apache error log the following:
" [php7:error] [pid 26169] [client ::1:55322] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mb_strtolower() in /var/www/sb/core/model/modx/sources/modfilemediasource.class.php:178\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/sb/core/model/modx/processors/browser/directory/getlist.class.php(62): modFileMediaSource->getContainerList()\n#1 /var/www/sb/core/model/modx/modprocessor.class.php(185): modBrowserFolderGetListProcessor->process()\n#2 /var/www/sb/core/model/modx/modx.class.php(1770): modProcessor->run()\n#3 /var/www/sb/core/model/modx/modconnectorresponse.class.php(144): modX->runProcessor()\n#4 /var/www/sb/core/model/modx/modconnectorrequest.class.php(86): modConnectorResponse->outputContent()\n#5 /var/www/sb/core/model/modx/modconnectorrequest.class.php(73): modConnectorRequest->prepareResponse()\n#6 /var/www/sb/connectors/index.php(78): modConnectorRequest->handleRequest()\n#7 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/sb/core/model/modx/sources/modfilemediasource.class.php on line 178, referer: http://localhost/manager/
" PHP 7.4.33

Make sure you have the multibyte string extension installed on your system.

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Thank you so much, this was the issue

Thank you for this information. Thus far, the host has fixed on two installs, but not shared solution.

I know this is old, but google pointed me here for a solution. I have the same problem.

Is there anymore information you can share, that I could add to a support ticket?

My host was able to resolve the issue. By enabling fileinfo module.


I’m having the same issue. my provider, Greengeeks just did a migration but even when I did a fresh install on a brand new domain, I still can’t expand the filesystem.

Note to myself for when this happens again.

  1. First, we have to log in to our cPanel account.
  2. Then, click the Select PHP version icon in the Software section.
  3. After that, choose Fileinfo extension under the PHP Extensions and click Save.
  4. At this point, the Fileinfo extension is enabled on our server.
  5. Additionally, if we have PHP scripts that need the Fileinfo extension, we have to restart the web server for the changes to come into effect.
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