Extras gone AWOL in MODX3!

Hi Folks

I have a fresh local (MAMP) install of MODX3.
However, when I go to add a few Extras, I get something I’ve never seen before…

MODX received a blank response from the provider. Please double check your service URL and make sure the provider is a valid provider.

I’ve searched for a solution in vain.

Any ideas anyone?

Many thanks

My setup:
Mac High Sierra 10.13.6
PHP 7.4.2
MySql 5.7.26

Maybe this helps:

Hi halftrainedharry

Yes, I did spot your issue but also saw that the solution was pretty convoluted. I use Chrome and Safari for developing and so going off down the Firefox route wasn’t something that I’d foreseen. However, in the absence of anything else I will have to pursue this avenue. Beats me why that should be the case though. Surely something’s not right.

But many thanks

This has nothing to do with Firefox. Your MAMP installation just can’t verify the SSL certificate.
I believe MODX 2 used http so this wasn’t an issue, and MODX 3 now uses https to connect to the package provider.

Ah, OK.
Let me have a closer look. Usually I find this kind of stuff beyond me but needs must.

Thanks again

Just a last quick question…
In your fix you reference ‘13’ and ‘8’.
What do they specifically refer to?
I’m struggling to equate those numbers with anything in those referenced articles.


Hi ,I do have the same error after upgrading modx to 3.0.4pl. Could you please provide more info how to fix this issue? What should be done here to make the extras work like before? TIA

What error message do you get in the MODX error log (/manager/?a=system/event)? Something like “… SSL certificate problem …”?

yes,related to curl error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate. And I have this problem only in my local environment.

So did you try downloading the certificate bundle as I wrote in this post?

yes i did. but still i have the same error.

Is this on a local server (WAMP, MAMP, LAMP)?
Sometimes there are different “php.ini” files for different PHP versions? Are you sure you edited the correct one?

Do you use the default MODX package provider → https://rest.modx.com/extras/?

I crosschecked one more time, so I am editing the correct file. Also, I am using Wamp and the default provider https://rest.modx.com/extras/.

So when you look at phpinfo (in the MODX manager under “Manage” → “Reports” → “System Info” (manager/?a=system/info) click the “View” link in the row “phpinfo():”), you can see the correct path in the setting openssl.cafile?
Is this path the correct location of the cacert.pem file?
Does cacert.pem contain an entry for “GTS Root R4”?

Yes, it is correct. And the cacert.pem file has the GTS Root G4 as well.

You could try also setting curl.cainfo (in the “php.ini”) to this same “cacert.pem” file.

Otherwise I’m running out of ideas of what the issue might be.
If nothing else works, you could download the packages manually from https://extras.modx.com/ and using drag&drop to add them to the list in “Extras” → “Installer” (manager/?a=workspaces). Or copy the ZIP-packages (e.g. from another installation) into the folder core/packages and use “Search Locally For Packages” in the “Package Management” to add them.

I have the values configured correctly as you mentioned. This is happening only in my local so yes i can still download the packages manually. Thank you so much for the support.