Ext.form.ComboBox does not send valueField just a displayField

I have a ComboBox in CMP where the value displayField is sent instead of valueField when submitting the form. How do I change this?

After selecting ‘Article_Title_1’ in the URL there is ...registration_id=Article_Title_1 and I would like it to be ...registration_id=57

           var combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
                renderTo: 'here',
                name: 'registration_id',
                id: 'registration_id',
                triggerAction: 'all',
                mode: 'local',
                store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
                    id: 0,
                    fields: [
                    data: [['57', 'Article_Title_1'],['56', 'Article_Title_2']]
                emptyText: 'Choose...',
                valueField: 'value',
                displayField: 'optionName'

Not sure why, but it seems to work as required when adding the property hiddenName:

hiddenName: 'registration_id',

Yes, it works! But it is strange and illogical. Thanks for your help!

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