That sounds a lot like the sessions aren’t working for that site… the setup checks that by initialising a session, setting a value to it, and then redirecting to a different page within the setup and making sure it has the value in the session. That check is apparently failing.
I’m not sure why that might be failing though, as I’ve never actually encountered it before. Perhaps a domain/host, https, or php configuration issue?
Could try inspecting the request/responses to see how the session cookie gets defined and why that might not persist after the redirect.
That’s for the favicon - you’d need to find the initial request for setup/index.php which then redirects (so that’ll have a 301 or 302 status code).
It does look like the Set-Cookie includes the secure flag, which makes it only available on HTTPS, but the Referer on the request indicates HTTP. Are you on HTTP or HTTPS? If you’re on HTTP but cookies are limited to HTTPS that would certainly explain it.
Because is existing, I can’t have https for now, but normally it doesn’t matter.
By bypassing the DNS resolution with the hosts file, you can access to my server with (no https) and you will see the default MODX warning than the config file is not set.
Now, you can go there :
there is definitely something wrong with the domain name configuration (and I don’t have access to it).
The issue is existing only for it, so it’s not a server side issue…
Very strange…
I will add my feedback for this error message from my recent experience moving a client to a new GoDaddy shared server. It was a problem updating to the latest 3.0.3 MODX version. And since it is a shared server, all I had to work with was my cPanel access and file manager.
I found that for me, the “Make sure your PHP session configuration is valid and working.” error was due to two things. First, the ‘session.auto_start’ directive was set to Off for my local value. Second, even with that set to On I could not get things to work. I had to update the sessions save path.
What I did with only file manager access was to edit the .user.ini file in the website root folder (public_html). I created a folder in my public_html folder and set my session.save_path directive to that folder in the web root’s .user.ini file:
You’ll probably want to tweak that to put the sessions outside of the webroot for security reasons. But thank you for returning with your feedback for others!
Thanks for your answers.
Finally I give up about this migration… to much work at this time to go further…
The website stay on the original server and another team make the job with my help.
Hi, I had the same error.
It turned out that on the server I had set the session.save_path variable (the variable specifies the folder where the session files will be stored) to the /tmp folder. But there was no such folder. I just added the /tmp folder and the installation was possible.