elFinder permission issue, can't upload

I have elFinder configured through TinymceWrapper as the file browser. When I try to upload an image thru elFinder on the manager Media nav, I get a Permission Denied error message. When I try to upload through TinymceWrapper on the content field, I get Unable to upload. Target folder "images" not found. Even though we’re clearly in the images folder.

In both of these instances of the elFinder browser, when I look at the Get Info popup everything looks correct, and the Link is good. I have unlocked=1 set on the elFinder path.

Note: I can upload to this images folder through the MODX default media browser with no issues.

I’m logged in as sudo admin. MODX 2.8.1-pl on Cloud. TinymceWrapper 2.3.4-pl.

Error on elFinder from Manager Media menu:

Error on elFinder through TinymceWrapper on content field:

Everything looks right to me here:

I checked the images folder permissions and they are 755, which I believe is correct? At a loss where to look for other possible permission configuration errors, but I think it’s likely I have just missed an important step in the configuring.

Oh, and I have the Image+ extra installed. Could there be a conflict?