I recently noticed that when using the SEOPro extra in conjunction with my custom MODX templates; my pages end up with duplicate meta tags. These redundant tags not only clutter the HTML output but can also affect SEO performance.
The issue seems to surface only on certain pages where custom snippets for dynamic content are used alongside SEOPro; leading to conflicting meta information.
Digging into the problem, it appears that the extra may be reassigning or overriding meta tag variables already set by the custom template. Additionally; caching conflicts / misconfigured snippet calls might be causing the extra to output its defaults along with the manually set tags.
Has anyone else experienced this interplay between custom meta tag definitions and SEOPro? What adjustments in configuration / snippet order have you found effective in preventing duplication? Checked https://docs.modx.com/3.x/en/building-sites/extras/troubleshooting-okta guide related to this and found it quite informative.
Iām keen to hear your insights and potential fixes. Have you resolved similar conflicts, perhaps by tweaking snippet parameters or adjusting cache settings?
Thank you!!