Does Formalicious require Publication dates to save a form?

I just installed Formalicious and was trying to create a form, but it seems to be indicating I need a Publication and Un-publication date before it will save. That seems like a weird requirement. Is that normal?

If I fill in both fields the form will save.

You could try this to fix it:
In the file assets/components/formalicious/js/mgr/widgets/update.panel.js add allowBlank: true to the fields published_from and published_till.

	xtype           : 'xdatetime',
	fieldLabel      : _('formalicious.settings.label_published_from'),
	name            : 'published_from',
	width           : 500,
	dateFormat      : MODx.config.manager_date_format,
	timeFormat      : MODx.config.manager_time_format,
	startDay        : parseInt(MODx.config.manager_week_start),
	offset_time     : MODx.config.server_offset_time,
	allowBlank		: true

Clear the cache of the browser after the change to make sure, the updated file is used.

You could try this to fix it:
In the file assets/components/formalicious/js/mgr/widgets/update.panel.js add allowBlank: true to the fields published_from and published_till.

Personally I wouldn’t’ edit the core files for the add-on as it will break on every upgrade, is there a reason you can’t just fill them in ?

Well I don’t mind having the publication date, but requiring an un-publication date just seems like an unnecessary step that is adding extra risk with people creating something “permanent” then having it go missing a few years later because they didn’t set the date far enough ahead.

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I’ve logged an issue about that a long time ago, perhaps when Sterc publishes a public repository for Formalicious someone can propose a PR to adjust that in the package.