I have created a “Programm(3)” container resource made with “Article” Extra.
I need to categorize those by “Exhibition” and “Others”.
But the “article container” doesn’t support the child/dropdown menu that’s why I made “Programs(32)” resources where I fetched the resources by Pdoresources and filtered them by a future date timeframe.
Exhibitions are past programs.
On the Exhibitions page, I want to display the years(2020, 2021, 2022).
When I will click on the year, under the year past programs will display
and also will be filtered by tv field “Exhibitions”
As the Articles extra depends on the extra Archivist, you can probably use the snippets of this extra to achieve what you want.
For example the snippet “Archivist” outputs a list of available dates. You can use the &where property with an EXISTS subquery to filter by the value of a TV:
&where=`["EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM modx_site_tmplvars t INNER JOIN modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues tc ON tc.tmplvarid = t.id WHERE t.name = 'article_type' AND tc.contentid = modResource.id AND tc.value = 'Exhibition')"]`
Try setting the “Container” field (isfolder) of the “Exhibitions” resource to true.
If this doesn’t work, then duplicate the “Archivist” snippet, and change the code in the marked line, so that there is a / between the resource alias and the year.
Sorry, I can’t find this. Note: Instead of “Exhibitions”, I want to display the years on the Archive page. and the Archive page is not a container. Fetching the programs from another container(id:3)
Visit this link.
Here are displaying years multiple times as months and url is not working also.
If I put the “/”, even then it doens’t work “modx.stiftungstarke.de/archiv/2023/06”
You can change every resource to be a container. In the resource, go to the tab “Settings” and change the checkbox “Container” to true.
In the call to the Archivist snippet set the property useMonth to 0.
On your Archive page, in the call to getArchives, try setting the property &showHidden to 1 (as the extra Articles sets the hidden flag for all the articles).
Sorry for asking repeatedly, It work’s with the proper chunk.
But how can I filter them by custom tv, I have a time frame, and after the time frame excess program will display here on the archive page.
And here I have couple of custom tv those are not showing
Is the “SimpleSearch” correct?
If not, how to make this correct?
and see I also have an archive on this page, because of the archive, by default displays the latest year’s(2023) archive posts.
But I also would like to search form here. how to manage these two together, search results + archive results?
This is not how it works. You can’t just randomly combine snippets and properties and hope that it works. The property &grSnippet is specific to getArchives. SimpleSearch doesn’t use getResources/pdoResources. You can only use the properties SimpleSearch itself provides.
In general, if you want to achieve something specific like in this case, you’ll most likely have to start writing some custom code.
If you want to show the search results if there was a search and the exhibitions from a certain year otherwise, then for example write a snippet that checks the request parameters:
If there is a request parameter “search”, then it is a search → run SimpleSearch
If there is a request parameter “arc_year” → run getArchives to display the exhibitions from that year.
If you want to combine the search with the filtering, take a look a this topic for a possible solution:
The snippet Archivist doesn’t provide a placeholder [[+active]]. You either have to duplicate the snippet and adjust it to your needs, or maybe write a custom snippet like this:
Template chunk:
<li class="[[!IsActiveYear? &year=`[[+year]]`]]">
Snippet “IsActiveYear”:
$year_param = (int) $_GET['arc_year'] ?? 0; // Read the value of the request parameter 'arc_year'
if ($year_param == $year){ // Compare it to the value of the 'year' property from the snippet call
return 'active';
return '';
When you call the URL .../archiv/2023, it gets converted to .../archiv/?arc_year=2023. You can check the request parameter arc_year to test if the value is equal to the year in this list item.