Date condition not working

I’m trying to display a badge depending on a selected date range. I have created two date TVs, badgeStart and badgeEnd, and installed the snippet getDate.

If I just output their values in my chunk all looks fine. This code:

Now date: [[!getDate:date=`%Y%m%d`]]<br>
Start date: [[+tv.badgeStart:date=`%Y%m%d`]]<br>
End date: [[+tv.badgeEnd:date=`%Y%m%d`]]<br>

Returns this:

Now date: 20230707
Start date: 20230706
End date: 20231231

However, this code won’t display the text “Show Badge” for some reason.

            Show Badge

I’m using MODX 3.0.4-dev and PHP 8.2.7.

The solution was as simple as changing the pdoResources call I am using from cached – [[pdoResources]] – to uncached – [[!pdoResources]] :roll_eyes:

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