Custom TV - best way to set default state for custom variable in ext.js


I’m developing a set of custom tv for our studio, one of them is a combo type:

<select id="tv{$tv->id}" name="tv{$tv->id}">
    {foreach from=$opts item=item}
        <option value="{$item.value}" {if $item.selected} selected="selected" {/if}>{$item.text}</option>

    // <![CDATA[
        Ext.onReady(function() {
            const fld = MODx.load({
            xtype: 'combo'
                ,transform: 'tv{$tv->id}'
                ,id: 'tv{$tv->id}'
                ,itemId: 'tv{$tv->id}'
            triggerAction: 'all',
            width: 400,
            maxHeight: 300
                ,allowBlank: {if $params.allowBlank == 1 || $params.allowBlank == 'true'}true{else}false{/if}
                {if $params.typeAhead == 1 || $params.typeAhead == 'true'}
                editable: true,
                typeAhead: true
                    ,typeAheadDelay: {if $params.typeAheadDelay|default && $params.typeAheadDelay|default != ''}{$params.typeAheadDelay|default}{else}250{/if}
                editable: false,
                typeAhead: false
                {if $params.title|default}
                    ,title: '{$params.title|default|escape}'
                {if $params.listEmptyText|default}
                    ,listEmptyText: '{$params.listEmptyText|default|escape}'
                ,forceSelection: {if $params.forceSelection|default && $params.forceSelection|default != 'false'}true{else}false{/if}
            msgTarget: 'under'
                listeners: {
                    afterrender: {
                        fn: function(cmp) {
                            console.log('after render?')
                            setTimeout(() => {
                                var tvTabs = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-vtabs');
                                console.log(tvTabs, "TABS")
                            }, 0);
                        scope: this
                    select: {
                        fn: function(combo, record) {
                            var tvTabs = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-vtabs');
                            if (tvTabs && tvTabs.items && tvTabs.items.keys) {
                                tvTabs.items.items.forEach((category, idx) => {
                                    if (category.title != && category.title !=
                                        tvTabs.activeTab.title) {

                                    } else {
                        scope: this
    // ]]>

Everything is working great so far for select listener.
However, i want to perform some action for the default “state” for this tv so i found this event “afterrender”. Basically, i want to wait until all elements have been loaded like in jQuery:

$(window).on("load", function() {
    // weave your magic here.

and then grab one of the component:

var tvTabs = Ext.getCmp('modx-resource-vtabs');

and play with it a bit.

The problem is that without:

    setTimeout(() => }, 0);

tvTabs is undefined - seems like its needs a tiny delay…
Is there any better way to handle this? Setting setTimeout its a bit dirty and i would love to have nice code haha :slight_smile:

Thanks guys!

I have seen the function Ext.ComponentMgr.onAvailable used in similar situations:

Maybe this works here as well. I’m not sure. You have to try it.

Is this a problem you’re still trying to solve? Might be able to help with more detail…


Yeah sure, i mean if you have any example code of custom tv that would be great.


It seems like you’re wanting to use this TV to alter the UI (i.e., change visibility of tabs in your case). (I see you have a couple other posts in Dev that might be related to this one?) To do that, you probably need to do more than just create a custom TV; that’s why it’d be helpful to know exactly what you’re trying to achieve. What’s in those tabs? What should the initial visibility be. Are any fields within each tab required? And so on…

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