I created a context, and I have a subdomain pointing to it. vote.mysite.com
I’m using PDOpage and PDOmenu to pull content from the main context WEB. The [[~[[+id]]]] in the VOTE context are making links to the subdomain. How can I get it to make links to the WEB context?
You probably have to create a context setting site_url (and maybe http_host as well) in the “web” context.
I think otherwise, the value $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] of the current request is used to create the URLs (which has the wrong value for links to the main context).
You can do this also with a link tag: [[~[[+id]]? &scheme=`full` &context=`web`]] Normally you don’t need to use &context=`web`, since MODX detects this on its own.
[2024-12-24 11:01:05] (ERROR in resource 890 @ /var/www/XXXXXX/XXXX/XXXXX/XXXXX/XXXXXX/model/modx/modparser.class.php : 1373) Bad link tag `[[~191? &scheme=`full` &context=`tools`]]`