Copying Modx Site using backup\restore?

Hi there,

I’m a long time if non skilled user of Modx and wish to copy an existing site into the dev subdomain of the existing site.

The idea is that I can then evolve and make some substantial changes to the site in safety before copying it back to the main domain.

I see that there is now a back up and restore function in the manage page so I wondered if it would be possible to utilize that as a way of moving the site. I appreciate that paths with need amending in the config.

Is this a viable idea ? Is it even possible to have 2 Modx installs on the same domain ?



Where exactly is this “back up and restore function”?
Is this a function of the MODX core (that I’m not aware of) of something added by an installed extra?

Its on the manager page so maybe an extra. Not something I’ve knowingly installed.

It says:
BackupMODX 3.1.0
© 2015-2023 by
Version 3.x refactored by

Yes BackupMODX is an extra (that you must have installed at some point in time). It can create a database dump and copy your server files (so you don’t have to do it manually). The main purpose of the extra is to have a backup, so that you can restore the site if something unexpectedly goes wrong.

You probably can use this backup to set up a new copy of the site, but I guess you’ll have to change the config file manually and rerun the setup. Maybe take a look at this article in the MODX documentation: