Change my MODX username - I have made a typo


This is my first time here.
I Just create my account and unfortunately I wrote my username wrong.
I want to change it, so I have gone to the main MODX Contact page.
The form there is not working properly.
Please, see bellow image:

and maybe help me in the meantime.

Thanks, A

Just log in with that username, then to go Manage → Users.

Click on the bad username and you should see the Create/Edit User panel.

Correct the username and click on the “Save” button.

Hi Bob,

Thank you for trying to help me.
Unfortunately I refer to my username used here in MODX community forum and on web site.

I cannot contact anybody from MODX to help me due to the aforementioned error I receive on the Contact form on the site - see attached image in my previous message.
Also I cannot delete my account here and proceed to create a new one with correct details, because the related form on website don’t work properly:

This is the “Manage User Profile” form on and down on this the orange-red button named “Delete Account” do not work.

It’s about interacting on web sites.
Is NOT about username or more general interacting (using) a website created with MODX.

That are the reasons I wrote here, hope somebody from MODX can help me.

Yours, A

Sorry, I misunderstood you. My bad for not reading your message carefully. I’ve alerted someone who may be able to help.

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@allmos can you please send an email with these details to help {at} and our team will be able to help you out.

I can’t recall why we haven’t updated the forms to allow username changes but it was a feature we planned on fixing when we relaunched the users.

Regardless, it’s a pretty easy fix.

Thanks, @bobray for sending this to my attention.

We’ve corrected the issue with the Contact form. We recently relaunched the main website after some major cleanups and missed a Chunk that was the email template for that form.

It’s not currently possible to change usernames or email addresses. It’s a legacy security measure, however, it should have been addressed and we may be able to make that aspect of the user record editable at some point in the near future.

Our first order of business was to deploy a new version of the app that manages the users (it isn’t MODX users).


Thanks for your help.
I can confirm that now the main Contact Form on modx main site is working properly. I just sent a message with my request to help me change my username.

Yours, A

I just sent a request using the main Contact Form.
Do you think is necessary also to send an email as you’ve asked me earlier?

Thanks, A

@allmos It goes to the same place. For obvious reasons we don’t post the email address on the site. In fact, I’m going to redact the version above. But our team will get you sorted—it may be me.

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