After attempting to install SEO Suite (it failed) I can no longer access Resources - I get a 500 error.
Step to reproduce
Install SEO Suite.
Attempt to edit a resource
Observed behavior
- Could not install SEO Suite. After clicking Install the Consol appeared but did not resolve or complete in the install
- Cannot access Resource pages to edit - get 500 error
- Can access and edit Elements fine
- Front end of site appears fine
- Problem persists after removing SEO Suite via Package Manager (no option to uninstall as it still thinks it isn’t installed)
- Can create new Resource and can see SEO Suite fields when doing so, but cannot save.s
Suspect SEO Suite partially installed, breaking things.
Suspect issue is because of older version of MODX (don’t have FTP access to this site so cannot update/backup).
MODX 2.5.7