I am writing a chunk whoch will display pictures with text within a div.
It will have 2 colomn and “many” rows.
Before the first picture, I need to add <div class="row">
and after the second picture, I need to add </div>
, in order to build the row with two cell.
My idea, was to use the extra if with idx. I looked at the doc but it look like I can not check if the number is an odd or not (I hope I did not miss something ).
Do you have a suggetsion?
Here is how I strated:
I add here idx=1, to make sure, the incrementation start with 1
&tplWrapper=`@INLINE <div>[[+output]]</div>`
in my evenementsTpl, I added this
My idea, is “if odd use then, if pair use else”