BackupMODX to backup site

Is there a recommended way or steps to generate backups for MODX sites? I have installed BackupMODX to try to do this, but continue getting a Timeout Error when clicking the “Backup Site” button from the dashboard:

Maybe change the system setting backupmodx.timelimit to a bigger value.

Or use the system settings backupmodx.excludeFolders (or backupmodx.excludeFiles) to exclude folders/files from the backup, if you have some massive folders that take too much time to backup.

Increasing the time limit worked, thank you!

Now, after downloading the backup files, the Database and Notes files seemed to download properly, however, the Files downloaded a file called connector.php with the following text in the file:

{"success":false,"message":"Access denied.","total":0,"data":[],"object":{"code":401}}