Ajaxupload Formit form showing just "upload" & "delete all" in text (buttons not working)

I’ve followed the AjaxUpload documentation and added all the required elements but the form keeps showing just the plain text buttons “upload” & “delete all”. The buttons don’t trigger the upload screen? In de network and console panel they don’t seem to be doing anything?

    &emailSubject=`Offerteaanvraag van [[+name]]`

<form action="[[~[[*id]]]]" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
	<div class="row half collapse-at-2">
		<div class="6u">
			<input type="text" name="name" id="name" placeholder="Naam*" value="[[!+fi.name]]"/>
		[[getChildIds? &parent=`2` &depth=`1`]]
		<div class="6u">
			<input type="text" name="adres" id="adres" placeholder="Adres*" value="[[!+fi.adres]]"/>
	<div class="row half collapse-at-2">
		<div class="6u">
			<input type="text" name="woonplaats" id="woonplaats" placeholder="Woonplaats*" value="[[!+fi.woonplaats]]"/>
		<div class="6u">
			<input type="text" name="telefoon" id="telefoon" placeholder="Telefoon*" value="[[!+fi.telefoon]]"/>
	<div class="row half collapse-at-2">
		<div class="6u">
			<input type="email" name="email" id="email" placeholder="E-mail*" value="[[!+fi.email]]"/>
		<div class="6u">
			<select class="selectbox" name="product" value="[[!+fi.product]]">
			   <option value="">Soort product*</option>
			   [[pdoResources? &parents=`2` &depth=`0` &limit=`0` &tpl=`productNameRow` &sortby=`menuindex` &sortdir=`ASC`]]
	<div class="row half collapse-at-2">
		<div class="6u">
			<select class="selectbox" name="typezonwering" value="[[!+fi.typezonwering]]">
			   <option value="">Type zonwering*</option>
			   [[pdoResources? &parents=`2` &depth=`2` &resources=`-4, -15, -16, -17, -47` &limit=`0` &tpl=`productNameRow` &sortby=`menuindex` &sortdir=`ASC`]]
		<div class="6u">
			<select class="selectbox" name="bediening" value="[[!+fi.bediening]]">
			   <option value="">Soort bediening*</option>
			   <option value="handmatig" [[!+fi.bediening:FormItIsSelected=`handmatig`]]>Handmatig</option>
			   <option value="electrisch" [[!+fi.bediening:FormItIsSelected=`electrisch`]]>Electrisch</option>
			   <option value="afstandsbediening" [[!+fi.bediening:FormItIsSelected=`afstandsbediening`]]>Afstandsbediening</option>
			   <option value="geenvoorkeur" [[!+fi.bediening:FormItIsSelected=`geenvoorkeur`]]>Geen voorkeur</option>
	<div class="row half collapse-at-2">
		<div class="6u">
			<select class="selectbox" name="montage" value="[[!+fi.montage]]">
			   <option value="">Montage*</option>
			   <option value="Ja" [[!+fi.montage:FormItIsSelected=`Ja`]]>Ja</option>
			   <option value="Nee" [[!+fi.montage:FormItIsSelected=`Nee`]]>Nee</option>
		<div class="6u">
	<div class="row half collapse-at-2">
		<div class="6u">
			<input type="number" name="breedte" id="breedte" placeholder="Breedte*" value="[[!+fi.breedte]]"/>
		<div class="6u">
			<input type="number" name="hoogte" id="hoogte" placeholder="Hoogte*" value="[[!+fi.hoogte]]"/>
	<div class="row half">
		<div class="12u">
			<textarea name="message" id="message" placeholder="Opmerkingen" rows="5" value="[[!+fi.message]]"></textarea>
	<input type="hidden" name="workemail" value="" />
	<div class="row half">
		<div class="12u">
			<input type="submit" class="button alt" value="Verstuur bericht" />

When I test it with the provided code, the buttons work.

The fact that you see the buttons means that jQuery and the file ajaxupload.min.js have been loaded. I have no idea why a click wouldn’t do anything (at least throw an error).

  • Does Drag&Drop work?
  • Is there a possibility that your own javascript code somehow interferes (maybe handles the click-event itself)?

If you turn on Chrome or FF dev. tools (Ctrl-shift-i), you may see a JS error on the Console tab, or a 404 response on the network tab when you load the page.