After template update images not working because of missing / in base url

After an update of the template in a sub-page the image links aren’t working anymore. All it needs is an extra / before the link. I figured out that i could ad the / into the base URL.

Now, where is this setting?
Using MODx 3.0.4-pl

The base url system setting ([[++base_url]]) is usually defined in the config file core/config/ (variable $modx_base_url).

If you have multiple contexts, you can also add it to the context settings.

The template needs a base tag with [[!++site_url]] in the href attribute.

I’ll have a look, but its a bit strange to me that i can not edit this from the settings within MODx. (I feel a bit more save working from within the system itself)

Where do i change this? In the template or somewhere in the system. I tried to do s search in the system to find anything with BASE :mag:

You need the following code in your template:

<base href="[[!++site_url]]" />

Thanks! This did the trick indeed*. I can see the images again.

Had no idea I could just place it anywhere in the template. For the idea, i put it in my BODY chunk in the head part. So it will be used in every page of the website.

    <base href="[[!++site_url]]" />

*Although the images from a getResources snippet that is displaying them without the correct dimensions.

To be more precise, the images that are shown in the overview page are loaded, but the same image from the same getResources is not displayed in the sub page.

Check online if to get a better idea if the situation.

Do i need to ad a ! also here somewhere?

<br /><br />
<h2><a href="[[~[[+id]]]]">[[+pagetitle]]</a></h2>
<p><a href="[[~[[+id]]]]"><img src="[[]]" alt="[[+pagetitle]]"/></a></p>

In addition, the images that are shown are not altered by the content manager to be the correct dimensions.

If this is an Image-TV (with the default “Output Type”), then it just outputs the image URL.
If you want to change the image (size, aspect ratio), you need an extra like (for example) pThumb.