I’m getting an error although the page in question (with id = 170) works fine.
[2025-01-15 23:42:37] (ERROR in resource 170 @ …/core/src/Revolution/modLinkTag.php : 108) Bad link tag [[~170?&scheme=
MODX version 3.0.6, MySQL version 15.1, browser Firefox/Brave.
Step to reproduce
I have PHP code that installs my resources. I copy all the static files into the right places then use modx->newObject(‘MODX\Revolution\modStaticResource’) to create resources and $obj->set() to set the properties, finally $obj->save().
The error is shown because, in modLinkTag.php, $this->_output is empty after setting it with $this->modx->makeUrl(…).
Now modContext::makeUrl() calls modContext::getResourceURI() where the URI is empty after $uri = array_search($id, $this->aliasMap).
The aliasMap is beyond my understanding.
When I go into the dashboard and Save the resource manually the error goes away.
The row in the modx_site_content table is not altered when I save except for ‘editedon’ was filled and ‘introtext’ went from NULL to empty string.
In fact the modx_site_content table row looks the same if I manually add a resource as it does when I use my script to add it.
My script sets:
‘alias’ => ‘privacy’,
‘cacheable’ => 0,
‘content’ => core/components/privacy.html,
‘description’ => ‘Privacy’,
‘hidemenu’ => 1,
‘pagetitle’ => ‘Privacy’,
‘parent’ => 76,
‘searchable’ => 0,
‘template’ => 8,
‘uri’ => ‘privacy’,
‘uri_override’ => 1,
‘createdby’ => 1
‘published’ => 1
‘publishedby’ => 1
Leaving these as their defaults … alias_visible = 1, introtext = NULL, and isfolder = 0. In the DB the class_key is ‘MODX\Revolution\modStaticResource’.
I have a few dozen resources but I really don’t want to have to click on Save for each after installing them with my script.
So what am I doing wrong?