Admin Panel isn't shown correctly

Instead of default admin page

I get this:

MODX Revolution 2.6.4-pl
Nginx 1.14 + Apache 2.4
MySQL 5.6

Is there an arrow on the left side that will let you expand the Tree section?

Have you upgraded MODX recently?

I’ve had this happen when the core directory has the wrong permissions. Just make sure folders and files have 755/644 in the core directory.

To confirm this, if you inspect the page you might see javascript errors saying with 404/ 403 or even 501 (if there is a server misconfiguration). Might help you debug your issue

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Yeah, thank you, the problem was in JS. Nothing too intresting, the closing tag was </scrispt>

:smiley: we’ve all been there! Glad you got it working.