Accidentally Lost Table Columns Using ExtraBuilder


I was attempting to use the ExtraBuilder Extra to add an object to my package and I accidentally dropped several very important columns from two of the other models’ tables when I built the package using Option 2 and overwriting my class files. I do not believe that we have a recent backup of the database, so I would like to know if there is any way to revert a build done in this way, or if there is at least a place where I might find logs of my build to have a better idea of exactly what changes were made to my tables?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I don’t think there is a way to restore the data without a database backup.

As far as I can tell, when you run “Build Actions” in the ExtraBuilder extra and an existing database table has a column without a corresponding field in the schema, then this column gets deleted (with an SQL statement like ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;).

I believe the only information about those changes gets output to the field “Log Messages” (in the window that opens when you click the “Build Actions” button).
I don’t think this information is stored anywhere else and is most likely lost when you close the window.

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I thought that was the best I could do. Thank you for the quick response!