Access parent values inside nested migxdb

I am using migxdb for displaying certain user groups on a CMP. When editing one of those user groups via migxdb I added a tab that displays another migxdb config with modUsers. How can I restrict this nested migxdb grid to just display users that are in the corresponding user group?

So basically my question is: how to access parent values of a nested migxdb?

Thanks in advance :pray:

Maybe this helps:

Thanks for the suggestion, but that doesn’t help. It’s not related to any resource, so not sure if the “Check Resource” setting does the trick. I checked the migx code and it’s trying to get a modResource object which doesn’t apply here.

can you show your exported current configs?

Okay. I got it working, kind of :smiley: It only renders one user per user group. Here are my configs:

user_groups (parent migxdb)


users (the nested migxdb grid)


try it that way:


The GOAT!!! It’s working… :pray:

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