Is this a fresh installation of MODX 3.1.0 or an upgrade from an older version?
Are the menu items shown on the “Menus” manager page → manager/?a=system/action?
Are there entries for the menu items in the database table modx_menus?
The icons look different though. The user icon with a lock is now the “Manage” menu. Maybe that’s just an update that’s part of 3.1.0? Also, checking 3.0.5, the username has display: none;. It seems like in this version it tries to display it.
The only thing I did slightly different with this is I’m testing a “managed mysql” database from Digital Ocean. I was curious how it works. So, I am connecting to a separate host rather than “localhost” for the mysql db. Also, it only had “utf8mb4” as an option for connection and character encoding. Wouldn’t think that would make a difference, but maybe.
I’ll poke around a little more and see what I can find.
I did a localhost mysql install and changed the second value to utf8mb4_general_ci. Everything works fine and it doesn’t have the same issue.
I guess I should do one more local install with these values to see if I’m able to duplicate the issue. Otherwise, it would have to be related to the database being on a different host and accessed via HTTPS I would think.
FROM `modx_menus` AS `modMenu`
WHERE `modMenu`.`parent` = 'topnav'
ORDER BY FIELD(modMenu.text, "installer") DESC, `modMenu`.`menuindex` ASC
and the error message Unknown column ‘installer’ in ‘order clause’ implies that the database doesn’t parse the query incorrectly. (In particular the FIELD() function.)
The problem seems to be the double quotes (") in combination with the sql_mode “ANSI_QUOTES” in the database config (my.ini).
If I change 'installer' to single quotes (') or don’t use sql_mode="ANSI_QUOTES" (which is usually the case), the query runs correctly.
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