Write UserAttributes to TV in auto-generated Resources

I’m working on a platform right now and unfortunately I’m not making much progress.

I want to import users with a CSV and automatically create resources and resource groups from them.
Everything works fine so far. But now I want to save user attributes as TV in the resource.

Unfortunately I didn’t manage to do that, maybe someone can give me a hint or clarify it.

UserAttributes: CustomerEAN
Template Variable: CustomerEAN

 * CercecUser
 * @author Marc Elie <marc.elie77@gmail.com>
 * Event: OnUserFormSave
 * Modified from Bob Ray's plugin tutorial, Official Guide p. 492-3
 * and Bob Ray's online explanation on create class:
 * http://forums.modx.com/thread/74440/problem-with-creating-modresource-programmatically
 * http://forums.modx.com/thread/44067/revolution-create-a-folder-based-on-newly-registered-username
 * and Elastic's AutoClientArea
 * https://gist.github.com/788179
 * and http://forums.modx.com/thread/72291/solved-snippet-adds-user-to-group-but-needs-to-flush-permissions
 * When the User creation form is saved:
 * 1. Add the user to his own User Groups (UG) and to Membres UG
 * 2. Create a resource named after the user
 * 3. Add this resource to Resource Groups (RG): site construction RG & user RG (create it)
 * 4. Create a tree_root_id on this resource
 * 5. Create a user directory
 * 6. Create ACL for user UG's access to user RG: context (web & mgr) and resource

/* create mode  */
if($mode != modSystemEvent::MODE_NEW) { 
  $modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'****0. Quit: we are in update mode.');
} else { $modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'****0. We are in create mode.');}

/* variables */
$user = $modx->getObject('modUser',$id);
$userName = $user->get('username');

$parentId = 177; // Les membres
$templateId = 48; // centre-membres
$userGroupId = 2; // Membres
$userGroupObject = $modx->getObject('modUserGroup', array('id'=>2));
$standardRGId = 2; // ressources_protegees_pdt_construction
$userGroupName = $userGroupObject->get('name');
$roleId = 1; // = Member, authority = 9999
$resGroupId = 2; // ressources_protegees_pdt_construction
$editeursUGId = 2; // Editeurs en chef

/* 1. Set UserGroup belonging */
/*   a) User --> His own User Group 'userNameUG' */
$mbUG = $modx->newObject('modUserGroup');
$mbUG->set('description',$userName."'s User Group");
if($mbUG->save() == true) {
  $modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'1. a) User Group created: '.$mbUG->get('id'));
} else {$modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'1. a) User Group not created.');}
$mbUGName = $mbUG->get('name');
$mbUGId = $mbUG->get('id');
if($user->joinGroup($mbUGId, $roleId == true)) {
  $modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'1. b) User joined UG: '.$mbUGName);
} else {$modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'1. b) User failed to join UG: '.$mbUGName);}
/*   b) User --> Member User Group */
if($user->isMember($userGroupName) == false) { 
  $user->joinGroup($userGroupId, $roleId);
		$modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'1. c) User rejoined: '.$userGroupName);
} else { $modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'1. c) User Group is already set: '.$userGroupName); }

/* 2. Create resource using the create class */
/* Get fullname of user */
$userProfile = $user->getOne('Profile');
$completeName = $userProfile->get('fullname');
/* If there is no fullname, use name. Don't use isset here, use empty */
$title = (empty($completeName)) ? $userName : $completeName;
/* Create corresponding resource */
$fields['createdby'] = $modx->user->id;
$fields['parent'] = $parentId;
$fields['template'] = $templateId;
$fields['class_key'] = 'modResource';
$fields['pagetitle'] = $userName;
$fields['published'] = 1;


if( !$modx->getObject('modResource', array('pagetitle'=>$fields['pagetitle'])) ) {
		$response = $modx->runProcessor('resource/create', $fields);
		$object = $response->getObject();
  $docId = $object['id'];
		$modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'2. Resource created: '.$docId);
} else { 
  $modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'2. Resource with pagetitle '.$userName.' already exists');

/* 3. Create user's own RG and join his resource to this RG */
$res = $modx->getObject('modResource',array('id'=>$docId));
$mbRG = $modx->newObject('modResourceGroup');
$mbRGName = $mbRG->get('name');
$mbRGId = $mbRG->get('id');
if ($res->joinGroup($mbRGId) == true) {
  $modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'3. Member resource joined RG: '.$mbRGName);
} else { $modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'3. Member resource could not join RG: '.$mbRGName); }

/* 4. Set the tree_root_id at the id of the new resource */
$setting =& $modx->newObject('modUserSetting');
$treeRoot = $modx->getObject('modUserSetting',array('user'=>$id,'key'=>'tree_root_id'));
if(isset($treeRoot)) { $modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'4. Tree root id already exists'); 
} else {
  if($setting->save() == true) {$modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'4. Tree root id created: '.$docId);}

/* 5. Create a new directory */
$dir = (boolean)$modx->getOption('filemanager_path_relative',null,false) ? $modx->getOption('base_path') : '';
$dir .= $modx->getOption('filemanager_path',null,'').'materiaux/doc_membres/'.$userName;
$folder_permissions = octdec('755');
if (!@mkdir($dir,$folder_permissions)) {
    $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'5. Could not create user directory: '.$dir);
} else {$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'5. Directory created: '.$dir);}

/* 6. Add access of mbUG to mbRG */
/*   a) Resource -- mbRG -- mgr -- Policy: Context */
$mbUG2mbRG1 = $modx->newObject('modAccessResourceGroup');
  'principal' => $mbUGId,
		'principal_class' => 'modUserGroup',
		'target' => $mbRGId,
		'authority' => 9999,
		'policy' => 12,
		'context_key' => 'mgr',
if ($mbUG2mbRG1->save() == false) {
  $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'6-1. Could not create access to RG');
} else {$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'6-1. Access to RG created');}
/*   b) FOR EDITEURS EN CHEF: Resource -- userNameRG -- mgr  */
/*   Otherwise the managers can't edit the user's resource */
$mbUG2mbRG2 = $modx->newObject('modAccessResourceGroup');
  'principal' => $editeursUGId,
		'principal_class' => 'modUserGroup',
		'target' => $mbRGId,
		'authority' => 9999,
		'policy' => 1,
		'context_key' => 'mgr',
if ($mbUG2mbRG2->save() == false) {
  $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'6-2. Could not create access to RG');
} else {$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'6-2. Access to RG created');}

/* LAST: flush the permissions of the manager for him to see the newly created resource */
$modx->user->getAttributes(array(), '', true);


Thank you in advance and have a nice day

Inside the plugin code you posted, you only have access to the fields of the user and the user profile.
So if you want to fill a resource TV inside this plugin with a value, you probably have to temporarily store this value in the user profile, preferably as an extended field, before the plugin is called.
You could then access and write the value with code like this:

$extended = $userProfile->get('extended');
$res->setTVValue('CustomerEAN', $extended['CustomerEAN']);

Alternatively you could set the TV after the plugin code executed:
Save the resource-id as an extended field in the user profile similar to how it is done in this code you referenced in your plugin. This way, you can retrieve the assigned resource-id from the user later and fill the TV then.

The user profile also has a comment field that could be used to temporarily store the data if it’s not being used for anything else. It’s simpler to read from and write to than the extended fields:

$userProfile->set('comment', 'some value');

$value = $userProfile->get('comment');