Unusual resource documents

in the bottom of my resources list I have some unusual files that hold many of my uploaded files as static files. I am showing them below.


I am not sure why these files are are here or what purpose they serve. Has anyone seen this practice before within Modx?

Can you show screen grabs of each of your Resource tab, Elements tab and Files tab?

I have never seen that. Maybe there is an extra or custom plugin that creates a static resource when you upload a file.

Do you have a plugin that runs on the event OnFileManagerUpload?

here is the code for the plugin that runs on the event OnFileManagerUpload. I am trying to see if it has anything to do with this.

No! This plugin seems to create thumbnails of uploaded images.
It does not create a new (static) resource.

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I see. Any other suggestions for figuring out more about these static resources would be appreciated.

So what exactly is the process? How do you upload the files and when is the static resource created?

  • What extras have you installed on your site?
  • Are there any other plugins that (maybe based on the name or the events they run on) may create those static resources?